5-Minute Breakfast Couscous

You know what I love about couscous? It's super-fast. You boil water, pour it over the grains, and then wait (just 5 minutes or so ... ) till it's ready.

Perfect for breakfast in a hurry, right?

On those mornings when - gasp - the cereal is all gone. And there's not a slice of bread in the whole house. And you're thinking about eating a muesli bar instead of breakfast ... but you know it'll only keep you happy till mid-morning coffee ... when that giant muffin will look so good ...

And you know me, I'm not about holding back on things like muffins. But here's another option for you. Make a 5 min coucous and top it with loads of berries and milk and a dash of brown sugar. You even get purple milk out of the deal. (and who doesn't love purple milk??)

And then you can enjoy your coffee without getting the shakes. Because muesli bars are so inadequate in that regard.

5-Minute Breakfast Couscous
serves 2

The time
5 minutes prep + 5 minutes soak
(so, yes, technically 10 minutes)

The ingredients
1 c wholemeal couscous (regular couscous is ok, too)
boiling water, to cover
a handful of fresh or frozen blueberries
a handful of dried cherries
2 Tbs raspberry jam (or another kind of berry is fine)
Brown sugar, to taste
Milk, to taste*

*This recipe is easily vegan-ized by substituting your favourite non-dairy milk.

**As always, use organic ingredients when you can

The process
1. Boil water. Pour couscous into bowl. Pour boiling water over couscous. Cover with another bowl (or plate) and make lunches for the next 5 minutes.

2. Remove cover from the bowl, and use a fork to fluff up the couscous. Divide into 2 portions, and top with milk and sugar and berries (as above).

The cost
Oh, this will depend a lot on what you put in it. And I'm leaving much of that up to you. So let's just put this in terms of healthiness - this breakfast has a) nutritive value, b) antioxidant-rich berries, and c) calcium-rich milk. It's a wholegrain, so your blood sugar won't go crazy after an hour or two. And you're being a good role model for your toddler (who is slightly skeptical about couscous ... but you'll try again). So, way more benefits than costs here.

PS. No that's not real coffee Nelle is drinking ... though she likes to think it is ... (and sometimes she acts as though she's had a double-cap).

Happy breakfasting!
Amanda xx
