Postcards from the Pyrenees: The Universal Language of Markets

boites de carrotes, pomme de terres, and cerises. the exchange of coins/bills/smiles. my bag heavy with tomates et aubergines et courgettes et myrtilles sauvages, I squeeze through the crowds of people. 


Though my photos are strangely quiet, the market is busy, and noisy. Children clamber for rides on merry-go-rounds, paella steams away in a wide cauldron, dogs tug at leads.

And then, we take our bounty home. Through pretty little places, to our wood-beamed cottage. 

We take stock, we make plans. We eat.


We dream of green mountains and cobbled streets and vast gardens. We live.
Amanda xx


  1. Beautiful! Are those chanterelles? Oh how I miss them so!

  2. Love this post! You are all having such an amazing time together as a family, cherish it - I know you will ;) (first time I've commented, but I LOVE YOUR BLOG!)

  3. Wow. What else can I say? Looks like you are having the most amazing time. Enjoy every minute! (we miss you)

  4. Loving your postcards! Everything looks so magical. And look - they even wear Crocs in the Pyrenees!

  5. Family bonding in the market that's so cool.Love every single of your blog.

  6. @Maria Yes! But I had to Google to find out they're 'golden chanterelles' - known here as giroles. They grow wild - prolifically with all this rain! Yum :)

  7. @Beck Thank you so much, Beck! What a lovely comment ... you've made me smile :)

  8. @Steph Bond Hutkin (Bondville) I know ... and everytime I see them I feel like going up and saying 'hey - do you realise my sister lives 5 minutes away from that factory??' But then I remember my French is no way that good. And it's not really useful information anyway ...
    So I smile and (probably) say 'perdon' and shuffle by :)

  9. Beautiful! Loved all the pictures :) I REALLY want to have a small vacation in a place like this!!! :(


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