
Things have been pretty busy around here lately ... writing grants to run the lab, bringing life to some of these book ideas running around my head, and planning A WEDDING!  Yay!

So, we took some time-out and headed to the beach. Robbie, Nelle and I, and some friends, and Grammy, and some pretty cute corellas. So today, I thought I'd share some pictures ...

I hope you're having a lovely weekend!
Amanda xx


  1. Hi Amanda

    My name is Donna (I am Robbie's cousin!) I noticed the Easy Peasy Organic on the email he sent me and I was curious! Love the recipes and the beach photo's (Nelle has grown so much, nice one of Rob too!) Am looking forward to finally meeting you on the 24th. Cheers Donna xx

  2. Not sure if the corella is mimicking Nelle's pose or vice versa! Cute photos all around. You must be getting so excited for the wedding!


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