Tropical Fruits

Here we are. Singapore.

Already we've walked down affluent Orchard Road and wandered the Botanical Gardens. We've eaten sushi, imbibed cold Tiger beer and hot green tea and steamy espresso. We've watched Nelle charm paper airplanes out of taxi drivers, bites of pork from food vendors, her own brand of sushi out of waitresses, and a stuffed panda bear out of the flight crew.

(she's charming, our girl)

We've also watched her turn into an exhausted, tantrum-throwing monster. But I'll spare you those details.

And today, after what some people might consider 2 breakfasts - but is actually breakfast and morning tea - we needed fruit. Lots of fruit.

Luckily, we're in tropical Asia ... so fruit is not an issue.

Lychee-like fruits - like rambutans, and longkongs. And bright orange starfruit: 

Jackfruit - which looks like tongues and smells like dirty socks, but actually tastes quite nice. And a sweet, sunshine-y variety of pineapple with honey in its name.

So maybe it's crazy to sit in your hotel room in Singapore, watching the rain fall on the trees outside, eating fruit salad.

But if crazy involves chilling out with tropical fruit and a cold Tiger beer - I'm all for it.

Amanda xx


  1. yum, definitely not crazy to be in eating fruit salad! I'm mostly interested in that jackfruit, have never tried it!

  2. Glad you made it safe and sound. That jack fruit is interesting all right. Not sure I could get past the look and smell of it though LOL.

  3. That's it - I've been officially diagnosed as 'not crazy' :)

  4. the only one of those that i've had is star fruit. It tasted kind of like a cross between a pear and an orange. I'm really curious about the others. I've never seen them in any grocery store around where i live ;)


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