Good Morning, World! (or Extolling the Virtues of Mini-Breaks)

I have to say, I love my little family more than anything in the world. (they know that.)
(in fact, you know that.)

... but ... 

how good is it when they go away for a day and a night, leaving me to my own unaccountable devices??? 

(Between you and me, I end up in bed with a bowl of pasta, a glass of wine, and the last two episodes of Stargate Atlantis season 1 at - 7:30pm. Now that is a *virtue*.)

And then it's morning. 

My day begins.

And I can't wait to have my two favourite people home again.

Have a great Sunday! Maybe you could even negotiate an hour or two on your own ... to watch sci fi / read Peppermint / plan holidays from the comforts of bed ... with treats of your choosing ... and silence in the house ...

Amanda xx


  1. Oh sounds like luxury - I love when I get some 'me' time. Hard to get it now that no. 1 daughter is at Uni - they don't have enough contact hours in my opinion :)
    Hubby is in London for a few weeks so I'm having a 1/2 mini-break.
    P.S. Love the iPhone photo!

  2. @Where My Heart Is Yes, well I couldn't have a lovely morning without my new pet iPhone! And ... uh ... I thought I was meant to be getting *more* me time as Nelle got older??

  3. Oh I can't wait to have my morning coffee out on the deck and listen to the day as it wakes up! Glad that you had a little time to yourself.

  4. @Paula You, too! I love day-waking-up sounds ..


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